Monday, March 23, 2009

For the Little People

For The Little People

Hands concrete ashy, cold in her eyes,
Soak and wet due to acid rain from polluted gray skies,
Her pacifier lies on the cracked sidewalk, next to a hypodermic needle,
Her cries for her mother who is six steps ahead are feeble,
And go untendered; cuz having a child at the age of 14 rendered her mother useless,
At least that’s the message her environment conveys, and in the midst of her family feud,
That’s always what the survey says,
Little Lisa was born 3 years ago this very day,
While in the womb, at night Lisa’s mother would pray that a miscarriage would take her mistake away,
Back to present day and the story is pretty much the same,
Except Little Lisa’s mother stopped praying for a death that never came,
So she turned to neglect and verbal abuse,
Cursing her stretch marks and having Little Lisa is her excuse,
What’s the use, she ponders on the daily,
Getting her throat stroked to feed her habit and ego,
Besides, that way she can’t have another baby,
Little Lisa’s little life is crazy and so undeserving,
Fighting off ants and roaches while mommy is in the kitchen serving,
The landlord for last month’s rent, for a 3 bedroom apartment,
On the Upper East Side of suburbia, known for its functioning drug addicts, sex offenders, and axe murderers,
Little Lisa was conceived at a pill party so her father ranges from a high school junior to college sophomore,
Maybe the checkout boy at the corner store or the dude that’s always wearing his letterman jacket next door,
Little Lisa shares a home with her mom and grandparents who are hooked on meth,
So within such a hostile environment, Little Lisa’s every breath moves her closer to an early death,
Now Little Lisa has KKK roots and trailer park completion,
But yet I feel we have a connection,
See my childhood was a little shitty, growing up in the inner city,
So if no one else gives a damn, I’ll show Little Lisa some pity,
And pray her plight takes a turn for the better,
And for all kids growing up in hell, for you I write this letter.

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